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Sophie Strand might describe 'quantum physics' as a realm of scientific inquiry that unveils the hidden dance of the smallest constituents of the universe, where particles flicker in and out of existence, entangling across realms of probability and possibility. To her, it is a poetic exploration of the cosmic weave, where matter is not solid but a symphony of vibration and interaction, underscoring an interconnected web of existence. In this luminous tapestry, the observer becomes a participant, their gaze a thread that harmonizes with the very fabric they study. Quantum physics is not merely a branch of science but a philosophical mirror reflecting the mysterious, interwoven nature of reality itself, inviting a deeper contemplation of life’s intrinsic interconnectedness.

See also: mycelium, ecology, narrative, masculinity

Metamodern Spirituality | The Animate Everything (w/ Sophie Strand) 6,362

Myco, Eco, Mytho: An Ecology of Stories, with David Abram & Alnoor Ladha 441

On Mycelium, Compost, and Animate Sensibilities: A Conversation With Sophie Strand 278

Sophie Strand: In Our Bones, We Knew This Was Going To Happen 236

The Portal of the Divine Feminine with Sophie Strand 212

Spark Series: Sophie Strand 121

SOPHIE STRAND on Myths as Maps /312 84